• Tarot & Oracle Reads

    Unlock the secrets of your destiny. Delve into the symbolism of the cards, gain profound insights, and harness your intuition to make informed choices.

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  • Charmed Crystals & Stones

    Vibrational sets to meditate, manifest, home protection, healing and divination aides.

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  • Charmed Organic Soy Candles

    Enriched with organic pure essential oils and sustainable, high-grade, grown and harvested organic flowers, plants and herbs.

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  • Mystical Boxes

    Take a look at our collection of monthly and organic mystical boxes.

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About Miss Lee

I have been doing tarot for over 20 years, mostly on the side or for business events at my marketing manager trainer positions I held for 25 years plus. It always brought me joy, to connect to the universe, to the customers and to my own spirituality. 

Then covid hit, and as everyone started to reevaluate their work-life balance, I decided to do what I love, to bring joy and clarity to others, by starting my own Tarot / charmed crystals/ candle business. Be my own boss, start a website and embark on a self-discovery journey that i am, joyfully and delightfully, still on.

So won’t you come on my journey for a bit, let me enlighten you to the vibrational messages and unknown dancing in dimensions all around you? With focus and intent, let us embark on a spiritual awareness path filled with intuition, divination and ancestral mysticism.

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