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Looking for harmony between the mind and body to help nurture fertility, or desires, or just to start something new? Whether it’s a possible relationship, motherhood or just material gain, Desires will help guide you to a healthier, more confident you. This Empress tarot-infused organic soy candle can help you onto that path. Full of charmed crystals and organic, sustainable botanical essences, this candle will send you focus and energy on your quest for vitality to bring forth a new life, a new beginning or just nourishment to a healthy desire.

Burn and say these affirmations after an hour of visualizing a giant evergreen tree - alive with life, creativity and spiritual purity, standing protectively next to you, seeping its nurturing essence into you. “ I derive pleasure from my life.” “Creativity is in and around me.” “Abundance, through the Divine, is on its way.”


* 8 oz. Organic soy wax & 100% pure essential oils, sustainably harvested and grown in the USA.

Regular price $12.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $12.00 USD
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